Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sleep Tips - Follow a Sleep Routine

One of the sleep tips I've followed with success has been to establish a sleep routine. What is a sleep routine you ask? As human beings, we tend to be creatures of habit. We like doing the same things over and over again, especially when those habits produce the results we desire. If your desire is to fall asleep and get a good nights rest, you can establish a "sleep routine" that you follow before going to bed.

This can be a few things that you do night after night before you go to bed. Not only will the subconscious pick up on "hey, it's time to go to bed now", but by following the same nightly routine you will actively be thinking to yourself "It's time to go to sleep now".

What is a good sleep routine to follow?

What we are trying to do is to get our minds and bodies to slow down, relax, and get sleepy. One of the best things you can do is to start to dim the lights around you. Turn off bright overhead light, and rely on the softer, shaded light that comes from lamps. Doing this allows less light to enter your eyes, and this is one of the natural cues your body has to fall asleep. Bright lights will keep you awake, so turning them off and dimming the lights around you is the right choice.

Listening to soft music can also put you in a sleepy mood. Some people like to take a warm bath, and other people (that can tolerate it) like to eat dairy products before going to sleep. (remember your grandmother's advice to drink a glass of warm milk if you're having trouble going to sleep?)

Find what works for you, put it into practice, and do it every night! It will become your own personal "sleep aid" that signals your body to drift off to dream land!