Friday, September 4, 2009

Exercise: Something I've Used to get Better Sleep in the Past

Well it should be of no surprise, after my post last night, that I didn't get that much sleep. I ended up falling asleep sometime after 4am, and then getting up early meant I didn't rest much. The day was a drag, but thanks to my friend caffeine, I persevered.

As I laid in bed last night wondering "why can't I fall asleep?" I started thinking of some of the things I've done in the past to help myself get some much needed rest. The first thing that came to mind was: Exercise. Hey, it's that other thing I don't really do much of, but need! Yes it's true, I don't exercise much nowadays, which is funny because I used to be so heavily into it just a few short years ago.

I do remember that when I got regular, moderate exercise, it certainly improved my sleeping patterns. So, the first of my sleep tips is: Exercise. You definitely don't want to go overboard right when starting out, but just getting active, get moving, and you'll not only feel good and feel like you have more energy during the day, when it comes time for bed, you'll get a good nights sleep and sleep better than you have been!

That in mind, I went for a long walk today. Hey, I say not to go overboard right when you start out! A good long walk was appropriate for me, being that I haven't done much physical activity at all lately, and it felt great! Hopefully, I won't have any trouble sleeping tonight. :)

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