Monday, August 13, 2012

Get Better Sleep by Setting the Mood

The next of my sleep tips for better sleep is to set the mood for sleep. What do I mean by setting the mood? In my last post, Get Better Sleep By Not Watching TV I talked about the light entering your eyes and keeping you awake. In the same regards, you want to keep your bedroom as dark as possible.

Early morning sun will creep in through your windows, and the light could possibly wake you. There's even an alarm clock that instead of a horrible beeping noise, has a built in "day bulb" that slowly starts to light up and increases in intensity of brightness to wake you! The obvious thing we can do to combat this, is to block out our windows while we sleep.

If you're on a budget you can always just throw a blanket over the curtain rod. Interior designers are rolling over in their graves right now, but hey, it works! If you'd like your bedroom to not look like a college dorm room, you can go the route of just buying heavy curtains that you pull back during the day, and close when you go to sleep. You can also buy one of those sleep masks, but they way I toss and turn during the night, there's no way that thing would still be on my head come morning!

So however you need to do it, block out those windows, and get better sleep by staying asleep when the sun starts to come up!

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